Friday, February 29, 2008

Free Catholic Booklets

I wanted to pass this along. The Catholic Information Services sent me a link to get free booklets from the Knights of Columbus. Please check it out.

I love working at home!

I don't know about you, but I truly do love my job. I'm able to keep my own hours, stay home with my kids, get the laundry done and meals prepared and still earn an income! I don't feel "harried" in any way. I hope you all do too. Call me anytime to discuss anything. I've got a great team! Thanks to all the great teamwork, we'll all grow successful businesses!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Free Lead Source

For those of you I haven't told yet.... Try You can post as many ads as you like - in different "categories" (i.e., safer products, allergies, home business, etc.) It has local leads.

If you do post an ad, please let all of us know. When you get a review (thanks to all who reviewed mine!), you get featured on the daily digest.

There are often questions asked too regarding what to use for this or that.... it's a good time to tell them what you use! When I find more, I'll let you know.

Now, get busy! ;' )

Welcome to our new blog!!

Hello Fellow Catholic Moms!

I decided to start a blog because it helps with tips and accountability. We need to keep a daily record of what we worked, how it worked and what's coming next.

Granted, it's not my original idea... I saw another team's web-blog and thought it'd be a great thing for us! I have been e-mailing members of the team my accountability (since I started working again).

I hope you all enjoy and take advantage of this site!

Pax et Bonum!